Online Communities
Fluent and streamlined experience in developing custom designed online community panels from 25k+ members
What we do
Manage and execute engagement strategy.
Build and recruit an initial panel of 25,000 population representative individuals.
Programme / enable programming of surveys.
Hosting and managing invitation to participate
Manage data outputs / analysis and weighting.
Manage incentives.
Provide regular communication to panels.
Provide regular reporting on panel participants, health.
Curate and maintain Social Media and brand engagement channels.
Software scope
Easily enables teams to script surveys themselves.
Streamlined quick export and analysis of data, post surveys.
Sync’s database to Adobe Audience Manager DB.
Data capture functionality syncs to internal sign on capability,
to drive sign ups and expand database’s profiles.
Conduct online user testing, recording users screens as they complete defined tasks.
Provides ability to script surveys, with ability to send to external provider.
Easily transfer and sync surveys that are currently setup and scripted.
Consumer experience
High quality to represent your brand.
Customer interface
Intuitive for analysis of data.
Profiling community members
Build rich profile to avoid repeating profile and media usage questions.
Our offering
Assist in building an online research panel to research your customers and market use of the panel to monetise it
Register and profile panellists, on an ongoing basis.
We host and manage the panel database, programming and emailing Monetise your online community panel.
QOR provides constant support whilst building your panel
Use of QOR panel, ‘white labelled’ to supplement sample sizes
Drop pixels on QOR survey respondents and tag QOR panel to enable digital targeting of behaviour, linked to questionnaire area
Research programmes we can assist with include:
Customer Satisfaction
Ad Testing
QOR builds a customer panels to global ISO 20252 and ISO 26362 specifications